7 Thoughts Too Big to Tweet and Too Small to Blog 3.2

This is another in a series of ideas I’ve had that would take too long to explain in a tweet but aren’t long enough to merit the full-out blog treatment. 1) My family has been instructed that at the moment of my demise, they are to immediately dress my body up in a complete Superman … Read more7 Thoughts Too Big to Tweet and Too Small to Blog 3.2

7 Thoughts Too Big to Tweet and Too Small to Blog 3.1

I was watching the sun set last night when a thought came unbidden to mind. It occurred to me that at precisely the same moment, somewhere in the world, a person I never met was looking at the exact same sun; only to him, it was rising. I guess I was always aware of this fact, … Read more7 Thoughts Too Big to Tweet and Too Small to Blog 3.1