This past week, I took MaM to see the Broadway show Annie at the Old National Centre. You know the story of the little red haired girl who lives in an orphanage and is taken in by the wealthy Daddy Warbucks during The Depression. If you don’t, maybe you need to crawl out from under the rock you live under. Just kidding, but seriously, get out some more.
MaM and I had an awesome time on this adventure in the big city. It was SO COLD that night, we excitedly ran up to the door to get our tickets. Even in extreme cold, we took a picture in front of the marquise. That is a required picture you take with your kid when you go to a show.
As we ran up to the entrance, we saw an older bald man walking into the theater. We started asking each other if that was Daddy Warbucks. In our goofiness, we were convinced it was and started searching for him so we could take a selfie with him. Because a Kahuna Adventure is not an adventure without a proper selfie. By the way, we found the man and it wasn’t Daddy Warbucks.
We found our seats towards the front of the theater. There was a curtain on the stage with the iconic image of Annie, in her red dress, and Sandy the dog. This was the first time we noticed that Annie and Sandy have no eyes. This creeped us out. We kept staring at it and kept getting creeped out.
Show time. The orchestra started playing and the lights dimmed.
We got to hear two of our favorite show tunes in the first act, Hard Knock Life and Tomorrow. This was all I knew about the show Annie. These two songs. MaM had scene the movie and knew the rest of the story. From this point on, i was seeing the story for the first time. Yeah, I know the gist of it. But that was it.
MaM was getting a little antsy before intermission. We solved that with some cotton candy. Because every great parent gives their kid cotton candy at 9pm, right. Even with the cotton candy, it was a little too late for MaM to devote her fu attention to the show towards the end.
MaM’s take on the show was that it was boring watching the show from the seats. She wanted to be up on stage singing the songs. We sang Tomorrow and Hard Knock Life the entire way home.
It was a good performance overall. Those kids on stage gave my kid the acting bug. As an adoptive parent, I was a little concerned going into a story set in a Depression era orphanage. I will save those thoughts for another post. There were some topics that came up that made me worried for MaM. Nothing too serious, just some food for thought. There was a scene where we find out some bad news about Annie’s real parents, I thought this scene would cause some issues. It didn’t.
Disclosure- My ticket was provided as part of my involvement with the Broadway in Indianapolis Twittic program. This program provides tickets to individuals to help promote the shows through social media. These thoughts and opinions are my own.
For more information on this show, please. Is it the Broadway in Indianapolis website